Coolderry Fittest Family

Coolderry Fittest Family

Coolderry GAA and the Black Bull Threshing Festival are hosting the Inaugural Coolderry Fittest Family Competition as part of the Festival on the 28th August 2016.  This fun filled event will pit family and friends against each other with the aim of gaining the title of Coolderry Fittest Family for 2016/17.  The short obstacle course will involve some climbing, lifting, balancing and running and will be family friendly.

Teams of 4 will compete on a course approx 200m in length and tackle a number of “interesting” obstacles.  Team should consist of 2 Adults and 2 juveniles (aged between 10 and 18) from the same immediate family or close relations.  Promises to be a bit of crack and fun.  Get your teams in now.  Contact Contact Seamus 086 8298270 or Philip 086 8382527 or just complete the application form – Coolderry Fittest Family

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